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The Legacy started back in 1975

Welcome to Nag Prakashan, a leading publishing house based in India, dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich knowledge and wisdom of Indian culture and philosophy. Founded by my father, Mr. Nag Sharan Singh Ji in 1975 with a passion for Sanskrit Literature. We have been publishing books and journals on a wide range of subjects since 1975, including Puranas, Vedas, Epic, History, Culture, Indian Philosophy, Hindu Religion, Sanskrit Literature, Buddhism, Astrology, Sanskrit Dictionaries, Aired, and more.


Our commitment to uncompromising quality in both content and production has earned us a reputation among scholars and enthusiasts alike, and our publications have attained a wide readership across the globe. We take great pride in collaborating with authors, researchers, and institutions to bring their works to life and share them with the world.


At Nag Prakashan, we have a team of experts with over 45 years of experience in the publishing industry, ensuring that each publication is of the highest quality. Our well-organized and strong infrastructure is equipped to serve your publishing, printing, and distributing needs efficiently.

We are dedicated to providing our readers with the best possible reading experience and are committed to promoting Indian knowledge and culture. We strive to be a trusted partner for authors, researchers, and institutions in sharing their works with the world.

Thank you!

Surendra Pratap

Nag Prakashan

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Late Shri Nag Sharan Singh Ji



Mr. Surendra Pratap

Business Owner

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