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                  (Proceedings of the National Seminar on Veda and Joyotish)

                                        Ed. Haribhai Pandya

Rashtriya Veda Vidya Pratisthan organised a national Seminar on “Veda and Jyotisha” at New Delhi from 21st to 24th December, 1990. More than 100 scholars from different parts of India participated in this Seminar. Rashtriya Veda Vidya Prathisthan requested me to undertake the task of editing all the materials connected with the Seminar. Although I was extremely occupied with a number of other responsibliities, I could not refuse this request because, in my view, this Seminar had dealt with the issues of Astrology with scientific rigour and contributions made by various participants were truly of high order. There is a great need to remove mis-conceptions regarding astrology; there is also a need to collect emperical facts. On the basis of which the scientific nature of astrology can be demonstrated; there is also a need to develop astrological science by investigating several issues ;on which sharp differences of opinion have rersisted. I was very happy that tge Pratgustgab gas cibsykted severak Vedic and astrological scholars in the country while organising this Seminar and I was personally impressed  by the fact that the Pratishthan manifested a seincere aspiration to exp[lore the relationship between Veda and Astrology without dogmatism and without any pre-conceived ideas and prejudices.


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