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                                    Prof. Satyabhama Razdan

 “KaśmīraśabdāmRtam: A Critical study” is a landmark research work of historic importance by an accomplished scholar. The author has incisively and comprehensively examined the only grammar and linguistic study of Kashmiri written in Sanskrit. This study is primarily based on a hand written manuscript of KashmiraŝabdamRtam written by Īśvar Kaul in the 19th century A.D. The manuscript comprising 422 pages is written on the Pāṇinian model. This monumental work consisting of ten chapters presents a detailed description of the grammatical structure of Kashmiri including its Phonology and Morphology. In view of these aspects its importance in Kashmiri linguistics needs to be brought to light. The fact of having been written in Sanskrit has restricted its access to the non Sanskrit knowing scholars in the state and elsewhere. It is, therefore, timely and necessary to bring this monumental work into

the public domain to make it accessible to scholars and researchers and to facilitate their language needs in the area of structural linguistics. The value of this research work is greatly enhanced by the fact that it has been undertaken by a scholar whose mother tongue is Kashmiri and who is a teacher and researcher of Sanskrit and Linguistics.

Prof. Satyabhama Razdan

Prof. Satyabhama Razdan is a well known scholar of Sanskrit and Linguistics. She has been a teacher and a researcher for last 34 years. Her valuable contributions to teaching and learning of Sanskrit and Linguistics have been widely recognized. The author holds Ph. D and D. Lit. degrees in Sanskrit. She specialises in Semantics, Historical and Structural Linguistics as well as Indian Epigraphy. She has authored 4 books and 52 research papers. She has translated award winning books, research papers and poems from Kashmiri and Punjabi into Hindi for Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi as well as J & K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, Jammu, Delhi.

KaśmiraśabdāmRtam (A CRITICAL STYDY)

₹1,500.00 Regular Price
₹1,200.00Sale Price
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