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 In this book author has discussed the name, title, place and two-fold-character of the Padma-purana.  The various Brahmanical religious sects, the specific rituals connected with each one of them and the Religion of the masses such as Tirtha, Vrata, Dana and Sotra have been discussed in separate chapters. Some space has also been given to the Navagrahapuja. The philosophical principles underlying these sects-like the concepts of God, Atman, the world and its theories of creation along with the concept of Moksa and the spiritual paths (mainly Bhakti)   leading; to it and the doctrines of Karman and Punarjanman have also been dealt with at length. Therefore, the whole matter has been divided into two Books: 1.Religion, 2. Philosophy. The Book 1 is further divided into two parts (a) Religious sects and (b) Religion in common practice. At the end she has given comprehensive lists of Vratsa, Unsaved and Stores in the Appendices. Such a vast and deep study would be extremely useful for the research oreintalist


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