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                               Dr. Gangadhar Panda

Rightly has it been said that if there is any comprehensive survey and exhaustive work on Sanskrit Studies in India, it; is the report of Sanskrit Commission. But every state of this country has its special contribution to the development of Sanskrit language. For small state like Orissa, it has the credit of giving birth of many eminent scholars who had expanded the horizon of Sanskrit Literature.

"Sanskrit Education Orissa" a monography by Dr. Gangadhar Panda has filled the gap which was long felt. This book deals with history, locational analysis of Sanskrit institutions, supervision, administration examination system of Sanskrit Education and creative works done in various fields of Sanskrit Literature in Orissa upto 1991.

Aiming at an analysis of the survey of Sanskrit Education in Orissa, Dr. Panda in this book has tried to explain all possible aspects of the subject with clarity of vision.


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₹120.00Sale Price
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