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                                          M. N. Krishnamani

Saveral books have come on Shankara's life-story. But this book is unique. Here Shankara's life is projected from a totally new angle. The correct picture of Shankar, that he was a great Revolunary who brought about drastic shanges and who fought against the odds of his time, comes out as the ;theme of this work. The reader will be surprised to know the difficulties and agonies to whichShankara was put to by the orthodox brahminsof his time. Inspite of this, Shankara achieved great success in changing the modes of worship, in reducing the conflicting cults and in furfther reducing the conflict between them in conquering over-ritualism, removing the pernicious practices, in unifying India and in revolutionissing man's approach to Spirituality, that Shankara brought about marvellous changes adopting scientific and logical approach to spirituality, that too in a short span of just 32 years of Earthly sojourn is brought our clearly in this book.

The stupendous volume os work left behind buyu Shankara justifies the declaration in this book that "it requires another Shankara to know what this Shankara has done!"

SHANKARA: The Revolutionary

₹200.00 Regular Price
₹160.00Sale Price
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