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                                 Samiran Chandra Chakrabari

In the present work an attempt has been made to analyze the value system as operative in the Vedic literature. The Vedic value system refers to what the Vedic people regarded as valuable. The word value is used here in its most comprehensive sense. The corpus of Vedic literature is not a homogeneous collection. One can, therefore, hardly expect any uniform value system in all the works of this literature. It was not possible in this short monograph to deal separately with individual texts or views of individual teachers on values; an attempt has therefore been made to have an idea of the values from Vedas as a whole. The Vedic value system resulted in the concept of a set of value called Caturvarga, fourfold objects or aims of man’s life Dharma ‘religious merit’ Artha ‘weath’, Kama ‘enjoyment’ and Moksha ‘liberation’. The scheme of the fourfold end of man, Caturvarga, is one of the principal ideas of Hinduism. Like many other things, it is based on the Vedas.


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