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                                   VAMAN SHIVRAM APTE

When I prepared "The Student's Hand-Book of Progressive Exercises," Part II, I thought of adding to it a glossary of difficult words and expressions in the Exercises. When this was done, an idea occurred that the Glossary should be made to include all words of ordinary occurrence, such as are given in small School-Dictionaries. When the revision of the sheets thus written out commenced, and when they were put to a practical test, it was found that several words and expressions had still been left out. I, then, resolved to prepare and English-Sanskrit Dictionary as complete as possible and the following pages are the result. The Dictionary has thus; passed through different stages, and has assumed this form, far exceeding the limits which I had first assigned to it.

I trust that the Dictionary will be useful not only to those for whose use; it; ;is principally prepared, but to the general public also who may wish to avail themselves of appliances calculated to help the study of Sanskrit. It is my belief that, except for the translation of passages from purely technical subjects, such as Chemistry, Botany, Medicine, Philosophy etc. this Dictionary will be useful to all readers of Sanskrit for translating any passage dealing with ordinary subjects.


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