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                                  Dr. K. Visweswari Amma

Acharya Udayan occupies a prominent place in the history of India Philosophy. He was a great theistic logician of Mithila, the land of the Nyaya-Vaishesika philosophers of the eminence of Vachaspati, Jayanta and Gangesha who flourished in the early medieval period of India history. Udayana heralded the advent of the Neo-Nyaya system, elaborately expounded about a century and a half later by Gangesha and Paved the way for an effective synthesis of the Nyaya and Vaishesika schools of thought.

The present work attempts a critical study of the philosophy of Udayana with a comprehensive reference to the salient features of his philosophical doctrines and makes an appraisal of his contribution to the Nyaya-Vaishesika school of Indian philosophy.


SKU: NP133
₹200.00 Regular Price
₹160.00Sale Price
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