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                                              Dr. Shri Ram Verma

The purpose of this book is to propagate Vedic thoughts throughout the world and improving the imatge of modern science by showing that there is an essential harmony the spirit of Vedia Wisdom and Modern Science. This book is an introduction to the studies of Vedic Literature in light of scientific approach. All the new truths emerging out of 20th century through scientific discouveries have pushed science from the domain of matter to the realm of philosophy and specially the philosophy of consciousness as discovered by Vedic Rishis. Parallelism in Vedic thoughts and Modern Science has been shown in this book. The intention of drawing parallelism in Vedic thoughts and Modern Science is not to show that every thing of modern science has been understood in the past by intution, but just to indicate that there are other methods of thinking to arrive at generalities in much the same way.

This book in its eleven chapeters aims at the latest explorations in different branches of science to show how science is increasingly approaching the conslusions of he Vedic Literature. The central idea of this book is to interconnect between the picture of universe as viewed by a modern physicist and by a practitioner of Inidan philosophical system and a Vedic scholar.

Vedas are like a deep ocean, full of precious jewels; and whosoever dares to plunge deep into it brings out his/her wants. Everything is available here, but inconcise form. The author believes that religions of the world play a positive role for establishing world peace through inter-faith dialogue and science-religion dialogue, which is the need of the hour.


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