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                              Phra Soonthorndhammathada

The Sanskrit Purana-writers have dealt with various aspects of the same from love, kindness, sympathy and mercy. They were most probably imbued with the spirit of salient features of Buddhism compassion which in Mahayana stands for Mahakaruna and in Theravada is very often considered along with Anukampa, Upekkha and Metta. Numerous normal stories in the Puranas highlight the feelings of devotion, kindness, dutifulness and compassion.

For the first time here compassion in the Tripitaka and Puranas have been critical estimated. The Tripitakas with special reference to the Nikayas with their commentaries, and Milindapanha etc. have focused the importance of compassion in molding and characterizing the life of the human beings including the monks. It has been shown here how these tenets of the Buddhist thoughts have caste sober and penetrating impressions on the Sanskrit Puranakaras.


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