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                 Editor - C. M. Neelakandhan & S. A. S. Sarma

The text Dravyaguṇaśataślokī of Trimallabhaṭṭa is one such text which was edited in a training programme held at Trivandrum from 5th to 21st November, 2009. The transcription and editing of the text was done by participants at this training programme and was later refined by the editors, Prof. C.M. Neelakandhan and Dr. S.A.S. Sarma. As the name of the text suggests it comprises hundred verses dealing with medicinal properties of edible items. The contents are based on Ayurvedic principles and the presentation is designed to bring to the lay-person those principles in a manner which can be put to use and practiced in day to day life. Thus it can be used by the experts as well as lay-person alike. The text includes a Hindi translation named Puṣpāvatī by Shaligram Vaiṣya which was printed at Sri Venkatesvara Press, Bombay in 1896 AD. The translation has been included to make the text more intelligible for readers not well conversant with Sanskrit language. The editors have thought useful to include appendices like an article on 'Scientific Texts with Special Reference to Medicine' by Dr. S.A.S. Sarma, another article 'Scientific texts in Sanskrit in aid of modern science' by Dr. K.V. Sarma and the text of Aṣṭāṅgahṛdaya of Vāgbhaṭa dealing with the Dravadravyavijñāna. A list of manuscripts on ayurveda available in the major manuscripts libraries of Kerala and Tamil Nadu is also included. Besides, there is an alphabetical list of ślokas of Dravyaguṇaśataślokī given at the end.


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