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           Ed. Dr. Uma Vaidya, Dr. Garuri Mahulikar & Dr. Asawari Bapat

The present volume contains eighteen papers and an appendix presented in the National Seminar on “Governance in Ancient India”, organized jointly by the Sanskrit Department or Mumbai University and Observer Research Foundation, Mumbai. The seminar was organized in December, 2010 to mark the centenary year of the discovery of Kautilya’s Arthasastra, a systematic treatise on Polity. Various sub, topics like education, Sate craft, Judiciary, Legal Documents, Revenue, External Affairs, Internal Security and the like are dealt with in this volume. Right from the Vedic literature to the classical Sanskrit literature, references to good governance are scattered all over Governance firmly founded on moral order is prescribed as the most ideal type by Ancient Indian thinkers. Curious readers would certainly benefit from this volume, if they relate wisdom of the part to the contemporary issue.


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