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(Text in Sanskrit and translation with an Introductory outline of Madhva Philosophy in English)

Sunil Kumar Maitra

Arrange by Nag Sharan Singh

Madhva Philosophy is the conceptual formulation of the reliious attitude of devotion of Bhakti and rests on the idea of an essential distinction between the devotee and the object of worship. The main points of Madhva Philosophy is that "The Lord is the highest reality, The world is real. Difference is real. Individual souls are the servants of the Lord. They are distinguished by superior and inferior excellences. Liberation is the experience of untained innate bliss. Bhakti or devotion together witth the Lord's grace is the means to liberation perception. Inference and Verbal Testimony are the sources of knowledge. In regard to the Lord Vedas are the sole evidence. The Vedas areeternal and impersonal".

The accredited authority on Madhva Logic is Jayatirtha and his celebrated work the Pramanapaddhati is the authoritative logical text of the Madhvas. The Pramanachandrika is a shorter work and follows the Pramanpaddhati closely reproducing the language of Paddhati in many places and acknowledging he Paddhati as its authority at the end of every section. The Chandrika however, has the merit of being a clear presentation both of Madhva and other rival views. The present book gives a clear idea of Madhva logical theory and its points of agreement and disagreement with the theories of other schools. The ;introduction in English gives an outline of Madhva Philosophy.


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