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                                               Dr. Indulata Das

The direct experience of Realigy, expressed through various appellations like God, Brahman etc. and the endeavour thereof is known as Mysticism. The Upanisads are the earliest literature of mysticism not only of India but also of the whole world. They  are vivacious with the highest mystic truths and experiences that man could ever achieve. All aspects of mysticism find abundant expression in the Upanisads. The book MYSTICISM AND THE UPANISADS is based  on an extensive survey of Upanisadic mysticism and that of other prominent religions of the world. The work highlights the varieties of mystic experiences and expressions manifest in Upanisads and elsewhere, in addition to methods for achieving the mystic goal. The comparative analysis of Upanisadic mysticism with that of other important world religions not only reflects the scholarly depth of the author but also makes the work a unique contributions to the literature on mysticism.


SKU: NP222
₹250.00 नियमित मूल्य
₹200.00बिक्री मूल्य
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