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                      With Sanskrit Version of K. P. Narayana Pisharoit

                         (Text with Introduction & English Translation)

                                             Dr. K. P. A. Menon

Srikrisnacharitam is an epic poem of the Mahakavya type in Ardhasamskrita composed is one of the greatest poets of Kerala known as Kunjan Nambiar who flourished in the middle of the 18th century. It deals with Krisnavatara in twelve cantos ending with the story of Sudama and Santanogopalam. A few cantos of the poem used to be a part of the curriculum of the primary classes right of the primary classes right up to the middle of the present century. The award winning Sanskrit version of the poem is being published here side by side with the English translation and it is hoped that this will help in making this great treasure of Kerala's literature popular within and outside the country. Those who are interested in linguistics will find it useful in understanding the influence of Sanskrit of Malayalam literature since the Ardhasamskrita version is given as an appendix.



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