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                    (Text English Translation and Commentary)

                                           Som Nath Raina

The Bhagavadgita gives utterances to the apierations of the pilgrims of all sects who seek to tread the inner way to the city of God.  We thouch reality deeply. Where men struggle fail and triumph. Millions of Hindus for centuries have found comfort in this great book which sets forth precise and penetrating words, the essential principles of a spiritual religion which are not contingent on ill founded facts, unscientific dogmas or arbitrary fancies.

With a long history of spiritual power, it serves even today as light to all who will receive illumination from the profoundity of its wisdom which insists on a world wider and deeper than wars and revolution can touch. The Gita it is articulated by a profound seer who sees the truth in its many sidedness and believes in its saving power.


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