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                                WITH SHRIMATSAYANACHARYA VIRCHIT BHASHYA                                                    EDITOR PROF. PUSHENDRA KUMAR

Taittiriya Barhmana is related to Taittitiya Samhita of Krishna Yajurveda. It may be called the extensions of Taittiriya |Samhita. Scholars agree that it is the oldest available Brahmana Grantha. Its text is acceted like Satapatha Brahmana. The vocabulary and syntax also prove it the oldest one. The Sayanacharya has written his Bhasya first of all on this Brahmana. The Taittiriya Samhita and Taittiriya Brahmana both the works are popular throughout the South India. It has three Kandas and each Kanda is again divided into Adhyayas. The first and second Kanda are comprised of eight Adhyayas while third one has twelve chapters.

This Brahmana Grantha explains in details the performance of Agnyadhana, Vajpeya, Somagagas, Rajsuya, Sautramani sacrifices, all mentioned in Taittritya Samhita. The Purushamedha sacrifice is a specialty of this Brahamana. It discuss in detail the rights and duties of four varnas and Ashramas respectively. Pashuyagas and Ishtis are discussed elaborately. It is also very rich in old stories called Akyanas. The story of Bharadvaja, Naachiketa, Prahlada, Agastya are the main Akhyana. Similarly Poakhyanas of Sita, Savitri and Usha are mainly the love stories, which make the book very interesting. In the second Kanda an elaborate discussion is given about the creation of the world. The publication of this Brahmana will surely be much interest of the Vedic scholars in India and abroad.

                                                                                                                      2 VOLS SET

Taittiriya BarhmanaN (ShrikrishnaYajurvediya)

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