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                                      Edited by Dr. T. Ganapati Sastri
                            With an elaborate introduction Dr. N. P. Unni

Tapatisamvarana of Kulasekharavarman, the royal dramatist of Kerala (C. 11th. century A. D., is drama in six Acts describing the love between Tapati, the daughter of Sungod and Samvarana, the King; of Hastinapura. The source of the plot is the Tapatyopakhyana contained in the Adiparvan of the Mahabharata. Sivarama (c. 14th century A. D.) the author of the exhaustive Vivrana commentary has utilised an earliest gloss by a contemporary of the dramatist. The Chakyars of Kerala have been staging the drama for the last several centuries in Kutiyattam performances in the temple theatres during festivals. Both the text and the commentary were originally edited by Dr. T. Ganapati Sastri in the famous Trivandrum Sanskrit Series. The present edition contains a detailed general introduction and study by Dr. N. P. Unni, Professor and Head of the Department of Sanskrit, University of Kerala.


SKU: NP128
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