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                                 (TEXT, INTRODUCTION AND TRANSLATION
                             IN  ENGLISH VERSEVISE  WITH SHLOKA  INDEX )

                          - BY B.N.SHASTRI & EDITED BY SURENDRA PRATAP

The Kalika Purana is one of the eighteen (Upa) Puranas'. Though technically an upa-purana, it is called Kalika-Purana or Kali-Purana, composed to popularise the cult of Sakti, particularly the worship of the mother Goddess Kamakhya.

            The first half of the Kalika-Purana (though not divided into parts) deals with the marriage of Sakti to Siva, her death and re-birth and re-union with Siva, the identification of Mahamaya (Goddess) with Kamakhya, the Naraka myth and Vasistha's curse on Kamakhya etc.

The second half deals exclusively the ritual procedure of worshipping the Goddess. Kalika Purana also gives a vivid description of the hills, rivers and secred places of Kamarupa, with the presiding deities. The text of the Kalika Purana has been edited critically by comparing all the printed text including one edited by the present author and four manuscripts, two from India Office Library, London. The Sanskrit text is followed by a faithful English translation with verse-index, notes, study.


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