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                    EDITOR - PROF. PUSHPENDRA KUMAR

This is the first and foremost book on the highly fascinating theme, viz. - The Puranas and Nationa Integration. It is a compendium of scholarly contributions at the All-India Seminar held at South Delhi Campus, New Delhi. It covers a wide range of topics on the Puranic India and its deep insight of National Integrituy. The Puranas are considered the store-house of Indian lores, historical events, philosophical developments, social and religious reforms, and cultural trends. These voluminous texts give us minute details about our rivers, mountains, cities, village and forest life, royal dynasties and lineage of the sages, accounts of empires, famines, corps, kingdom of animals and ;national resources of wealth and system of distribution, forms of penance, forms of festivities and other asp[ects of social life. The present study will encourage and stimulate scholars and researchers to explore further this treasure house of knowledge; and for our modern world day-to-day socio-policival thinking in the wider and vital National Interests.


SKU: NP245
₹500.00 नियमित मूल्य
₹400.00बिक्री मूल्य
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