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                              Two Yamaka Poems of Vasudeva


                        (Text with Introduction & English Translation)

                                                 Dr. K. P. A. Menon

The present work is in continuation of the famous Yamaka poem, The present work is in continuation of the famous Yamaka poem, Yudhisthiravijayam by the same poet Vasudev Bhattatiri. The theme for Tripuradahanam is also drawn from the Mahabharata and deals with the destruction of the three Asuras at the hands of Lord Mahesvara. Travelling with the speed of wind in the three cities, they had become invincible due to the book granted to them by Lord Brahma. Saurikathodaya deals with the life story of Sauri or Krishna starting from his birth as the offspring of Vasudeva and Devaki. With the expression 'Udaya' one would normally expect that the theme relates to the early part of the life of Krishna and would at least stop with the killing of Kansa. As it happens, the poet continues the story and takes it up to the marriage of Krishna's grandson Aniruddha with USA, the daughter of Bana. From this point of view the alternative title of Saurikatha would appear to be more appropriate. In dealing with the Saurikatha the author has borrowed from a number of Puranas and from the great epic Mahabharat. On occasions he has not hesitated to give his own version also.



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